John Goldsmith is a photographer and chemist originally from Chicago and now living and working in Vancouver BC. His latest venture in art is his print shop The Printmaker Studio. We mix up some great conceptual concoctions about art’s beauty and purpose both to the artist and the presumed audience. Our hypothesis? That art helps to reflect what an individual or even a community experiences

and its purpose is to communicate this experience to a larger audience. In photography the camera has a unique relationship with the world. Does it represent reality? Is it 2 dimensional? Is it even art? Let’s start the conversation learning about John and see if we can get his opinion on what photography is and can be to society at large.

My View Finder is a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network - Locally Grown, Community Supported. Through their work of connecting us with local businesses and events, Albertan content can continue to grow and flourish. Check out their work and the depth of the Alberta podcast scene at their website: