This week's talk is with Ryan Wilkes. Ryan has an adventurous journey into the wildlife photographer he is today. We talk about being raised in Calgary with dreams of being a professional athlete. His move from sports to engineering. His decision to leave engineering to pursue a PHD in medical sciences. And then how he connected with nature and with birds living in New Zealand during his studies. The bird that started it all? The New Zealand Kea. They are endangered... why? Because they eat sheep. Or at least peck them for their fat. WTF?
Ryan's got great insight in living life without attachment and fear. Or perhaps in the face of it and choosing to get outside and walk around instead of hiding out indoors. Connecting with the world around us viscerally and ultimately his aim is to use his images to inspire all of us to appreciate and take an active role living with nature.
When's the last time you were outside (our recent cold weather warning notwithstanding)? Did you know Calgary was a hotbed for aviary activity? I didn't. I mention that I don't really like birds. But after listening to Ryan I have to challenge you: next time you're outside... look up... keep your ears open... let me know if you see anything flapping around. There's a world of birds out there. Waiting for you to see them. And perhaps to eat sheep. New Zealand Kea - the alpine parrot and apparently carnivore.
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